weekly timetable

We love to be old school, and so we try to teach yoga as it was taught and meant to be taught in ancient times: guiding students on their individual journey of self-discovery.

At our center, we prioritize this specialized approach to teaching, placing a strong emphasis on individualized attention for each student. That's why we offer limited open public classes and instead focus extensively on courses tailored to guide students effectively on their unique journeys. Additionally, we offer private lessons to ensure we can serve each individual correctly and appropriately.
Our yoga classes are designed with this personalized approach in mind, catering to the specific needs of our students rather than aiming for mass appeal. This ensures that every student receives the attention and guidance they deserve.

click image to enlarge, sign up for classes by clicking on them in listing or in the section below

Class etiquette

To ensure a pleasant class experience, we kindly ask you to follow our little etiquette guidelines:

  • Please be on time! We start punctually and cannot let latecomers in. Due to how our classes are structured, it is not possible to just jump into a lesson without practicing the beginning. This is even more important for Yoga Nidra classes, since they require absolute silence and calm to ensure the relaxing effects of this technique. Please arrive the latest 5-10 min before class time.

  • No-Phone time! Our practice hall is officially a “No-Phone area”, which means that your phone or any other electronic device have to be turned off or left at the changing area. Please consider our classes as a mindful time in your day, where you dis-connect from the virtual world consciously (science says it’s good for you! 😉).

Class language

Since we speak Czech, English and German, our Kundalini Hatha Yoga and Martial Art classes, all people, Czech-speakers as well as Non-Czech speakers, are welcome to participate in all classes.


Our yoga hall can only host a limited amount of practitioners. This is why it is important to reserve your spot in advance. Please use the booking tool below or call/write us +420737773724 or +420734706635